Laflèche Park


To make a reservation call 819-457-4033 or 1-877-457-4033. Departures are available everyday, every 30 minutes. The first departure is at 9 A.M, and the last is between 2 P.M and 5 P.M, depending of the season and of the sunset. If you can not reach us leave us your name, telephone number, the date and the time you wish to make a reservation for and we will contact you in the shortest delay to confirm the reservation. We look forward to see you in the trees!

Summer : From June 24th to September 1st. 7/7, reservation required.

Autumn, Winter and Spring: 7/7, from 9 A.M to 4 P.M, reservation required.

Our receptionists are available to answer your call 7 days a week, from 9 A.M to 6 P.M